Instagram influencer : Megbaby

Here is Our very first instagram influencers *Drumroll


If you actively online instagram , i think you might already know about her or following her instagram account. 
Megbaby known because her beautiful small face and unique fashion
As you can see on her instagram, she has a unique sense of fashion. 
I think it's inspired by her love for korea. 
She called it so megbaby
And fyi , She's loved by 697K followers and its still growing day by day. 

What i love from megbaby ?
Probably Her make-up and fashion
Because she has a pretty small face and nice skin
And i think i had a same kind of fashion sense like her, maybe that's the reason i love her. 

It you want to know her better , go follow her instagram @_megbaby_ / or check this video bellow about her ;)

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